Akalie Tribe

Akalie Tribe

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Misleading Reports: Hillary Clinton Has Not Won the Nomination

Last night, Associated Press had reported that Hillary Clinton reached the 2,383 delegates required to automatically become the Democratic nominee. Networks ranging from The New York Times to CNN to even the BBC parroted the claim.

However, it is not actually the case that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee. As 571 of her supposed 2,383 delegates are Super-Delegates, who, unlike pledged delegates, do not vote until the Democratic Convention of July 25-28th. 

With that said, the real delegate count of pledged delegates is the following:

Hillary Clinton: 1812
Bernie Sanders: 1521

So it's about 571 super-delegates, which may switch their support at any time, as they have in the past, with now president Barack Obama in 2008, who have been artificially added to the delegate count as if they were pledged delegates.

It goes without saying that it is a steep battle for Bernie Sanders to achieve the nomination, but it is a blatant falsehood to state that Hillary Clinton has won the nomination when super-delegates have not even voted. If you are anybody in the seven states voting today, do not think that your vote does not count, Hillary Clinton has not won the nomination.